Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
The boys will be on summer vacation in 2 weeks, so I'll be busy with them all day soon. I signed up for an on campus math class, and my sil's will be watching the kiddos for a few days out of the week while I go to class, but thankfully it's only a month long. I haven't ever had anyone besides myself and my husband watch our daughter, so I'm a bit nervous about leaving her for a few hours a day. I hope it passes quick and I'll get to enjoy the rest of the summer with the kids doing lots of fun things! I'll have more interesting things to post about in the coming weeks.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
In this picture there are 2 packs of cottonelle toilet paper (12 rolls each), 4 boxes of always pads, 14 velveeta shells and cheese cups, 14 mac and cheese cups, 8 bar-b-que sauces, 5 Garnier shampoos, 5 Garnier conditioners, 6 mayonnaise, 2 A1 sauce, 4 packs of Kraft cheese slices, and 4 boxes of 100 calorie snack packs.
Now onto business, with the cashier. At first she was okay, chit chatting and all, but once I brought out the coupons that was it. She started acting rude with me. She didn't want to take my coupons and started complaining to a nearby manager, who told her to take the coupons. The problem was with my bar-b-que coupons. The sauce was $.99, and the coupons were for $1 off, making them free. Well the cashier didn't want to do complete the transaction, and the manager told her to go ahead with it. They argued in front of me for a few minutes, with the cashier telling the manager, "you do it", and the manager telling her I can't I'm busy. So the cashier rings up my stuff, grumbling the whole time and saying, I know where this is going, and I can't believe this. She even told me I couldn't use 2 coupons for the same product, and I told her that I could use 1 store coupon and 1 manufacturer coupon per product, again grumpy. Finally we get to the paying part. I hand her my 2 gift cards that I got from the first 2 transactions, and she practically yells at me that I can't use them because I haven't paid for them. I very politely tell her yes I can, because I paid for them in the first 2 transactions, and this was my third. Now's the fun part, she grabbed the gift cards out of my hand and gave me one of the dirtiest looks you ever saw! I paid and left, and was in practically tears when I loaded my car. Here I am trying to save my family money, while I have a grumpy cashier making a huge scene of it, and making me feel like I'm putting her job at jeopardy. Makes me feel so crappy!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Weird feeling
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
window to the west
Yee haw!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Good day

This all came from Target, and not pictured is 2 cases of arrowhead water. So in total there are 3 lysol all purpose cleaners, 4 mac and cheese singles, 3 boxes of smart food popcorn, 4 boxes of fiber one bars, 4 boxes of fiber one toaster pastries, and 2 boxes of eggos. I also bought a $1 cup of mini chips ahoy to pacify the kidlets while we were shopping. All this for a total of $19.04, it's not great but it's okay, and I can apply for a $3 lysol rebate.
I plan on going back to kmart maybe tomorrow, to use up some more coupons. I love the deal on the vitamins I got, because man are those things expensive!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Healthier Sand people coming soon!
So were hoping to get a few things out of this.
1. To spend more time together.
2. To lose a little weight.
3. To tone up.
4. To save money on gas.
Hopefully this turns out that way. Ray's supposed to start putting the bikes together when he gets home in a bit, so hopefully today, I should have somebody else on a bike.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Coupon Friday

The total cost was $24.08! I'm proud of this one. The toothpaste, toothbrushes, and lint rollers were all free, and so was 1 of the sierra mists!

This came from Walgreens. There's 4 packs of pull ups, 2 Nivea body wash, 2 loaves of bread, 2 ecotrin, 6 deoderants, 3 mondo juice drinks. Not in the picture are 2 Dr.scholls massaging insoles, 1 ecotrin, and 1 weird tube sounding thing. Done in 5 seperate transaction, it all costed me $34.96 plus I still have $2 in register rewards. Not too shabby considering the pull ups and Dr.Scholls alone were each 2/$20. I used $28 in register rewards and a ton of coupons to get this price.
This came from CVS. There's 3 adidas deoderant, 3 pecan sandies, 4 bottles of all. Missing is 6 2 packs of plastic 3M hooks, I gave them to Ray to use in the pet store. Done in 2 transactions, it all costed me a grand total of $12.83 because I had $7 in ECB from the first transaction that I used on the second, and the hooks were free!
This all came from Target. In all there's 6 single serve mac and cheese cups, 4 boxes of band aids, 6 boxes of special K cereal, 4 boxes of special k crackers, 3 bottles of brain developing juicy juice, 6 boxes of oreo stix, 2 kraft mayo's, 2 schick quattro razors, 2 schick quattro trim style razors, 1 first aid kit, 1 tape measure and 3 random toys.
This was done in 3 seperate transactions, and a visit to customer service. On my second transaction the cashier was already annoyed with me, and forgot to scan my coupons, so I had to go to customer service to have them fix it. Total cost for this was $31.90 with tax!
It's official!
Early this morning though, when she discovered her seat put together and attached to the bike, we were finally ready. We geared up with our helmets and rode down the street and back. It was great, and the girly and I are hooked. One thing though, I need a new seat! Man the one that's on the bike now was like straddling a rock. So eventually, that'll get replaced with a nice new cushy one. And wonder of wonder's, Ray decided that he'd like a bike too. So hopefully we'll be going on family bike rides soon.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Were going biking!!!
So of course I tell THE MAN about my wild and crazy, "hey let's buy everyone a bike" idea. What does the man do? THE MAN shuts me down! Okay, it really wasn't that dramatic, but he told me what we could afford, and it just didn't seem like it was going to happen. But..............
On one of our coupon excursions today, what did I find at walmart for $69? A shiny purple mountain bike screaming at me, "I'M IN YOUR BUDGET!" When something screams out that loudly, you just can't ignore it. I found somebody to drag it down for me, jumped on it, and it was mine!
The girly got a helmet and pads yesterday. Tonight I'm thinking of going to the other walmart (this one didn't have any), and getting her a bike carrier so we can start biking. Yay! And I'm going to put some bikes on layaway for the boys, that way they'll be out by summer. Cheap summer fun, here we come!