Friday, September 24, 2010

We need to change things up

I have my kids write daily in a journal, and everyday their given a different topic. Today's topic was, "if there was one thing you would change about school, what would it be?" Both of their answers surprised me, less writing and more games like the baby. Being a former preschool teacher, preschool things come easy to me, but not the other grades. I know my children are more hands on and creative learners, and I've been completely ignoring that. So, I've decided we need to change things up.

I spent the night searching the internet for games that teach. File folder, lapbook, dice, word searches, etc. I found a ton for my preschooler, and second grader, but hardly anything for my fourth grader. I guess that means I'm going to have to make them myself. I'm not very computer savvy, so it's going to take me a bit to figure stuff out. I also have to go through all of his books and see what I can make into learning games for him. He catches onto things so fast though, that it's going to be hard to make things he won't use only once. I guess that's a perk of his autism. I'll post links and pictures of the learning games as we use them, and of course any new ones I make!

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