I finally decided on which books I want for the boys for the year, and I'm hoping to acquire a few more throughout the year to see what fits us best. Were going with math mammoth for math (for now), Abeka for most everything else, and growing with grammar and spelling as a complimentary aid. I'm hoping to toss in either singapore math, or saxon math to mix with our math mammoth. Orion will also be using superstar speech, to help with his speech delay and articulation issues. Of course these will be our main books, and I'll be using other books and aids as supplements, like Global Wonders for geography. Olivia will use a big combination of preschool books and consumables that I collected through my time teaching preschool. I still have to sort through them and see what will fit her learning style, but I have a ton of manipulative's to help her along also.
I'm almost done setting up our homeschool area of the house, and it's going to change the whole structure of our house, since it's so small. I'm giving up my whole sewing corner to give the kids an area without distractions, and I cleared out an area and a shelving unit for all of our supplies. I think I still need another shelving unit though, for more books.... so it looks like I'll be putting away some of my fabric to make room for that. It's all going to be worth it though, because over the past few months I've noticed how much happier my kids are when their with me. I let them be themselves, and it's working for us.
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