Thursday, April 3, 2008


Today is one of those days, that I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders... okay maybe a little dramatic, the weight of my household at least. This is not a good thing for me, since I have so much to do. My mom has commissioned me to crochet a baby blanket for someone she knows, I've been trying to draft a design and pattern I like to make a dress for my daughters baptism (I'm still undecided), I need to finish making the invitations for the baptism, make some phone calls and appointments, and I still need to keep up with my daily routine of cooking and cleaning and being mom. I hate these days, when all I feel like doing is crying. Perhaps as I continue on with my day my busy schedule will keep my all to cluttered mind off of those things. *sigh*.... if only, I'll probably end up doing everything while crying (I hope I don't sew over any fingers).

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