Here she is working on her Kumon coloring book. I really love this book, and so does she. We use pages from this book on Tuesdays and Thursdays, along with the Kumon cutting.
Cutting from the Kumon book. I was very leery of letting her use scissors, but I found a pair that weren't very sharp, and fit her small hands. She's doing very good so far, and almost cutting a straight line now. Not bad for a 3 year old :)
Bunny loves working on her shape sorting game. She's really good at matching the shapes, but could use some work on identifying the names of the shapes. Were working on that!
Number tracing practice. I laminated this, and she uses a dry erase marker to practice her numbers. Another favorite of hers.
Working on magnet pages. I've been seeing the magnetic pom poms on other blogs, and decided to make them also. I got the pom poms from the dollar tree, and the magnets from walmart. They were very easy to make, all I did was hot glue the magnets to the pom poms. We laminate the pages, and place them on a cookie sheet (from the dollar tree). She's entertained by this activity for hours at a time, which is great!
Letter F practice. Do-a-dot page, sorting activity, and lacing letters. We do these every week with each letter.
Color matching cows (from Creative Learning Fun), and recognizing the color green.
We did a few other activities, but towards the end of the week I dropped the ball and forgot to take pictures. This week is shaping up to be a bit slower too, since we have that important meeting tomorrow morning. The boys have been working on air for science, and pilgrims/thanksgiving/mayflower for history. I'll post more about that tomorrow, till then!

So cute! I love seeing her doing two of my activities! I am glad ya'll are enjoying them. :)
oops, I forgot to link the activities! Thanks for reminding me :)
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