Monkey. No other word has so many meanings. To me Monkey means loyalty, love, friendship, courage, humor, stubborn, compassionate, smart, and a whole other slew of words of endearment. I was lucky enough to spend 14, almost 15 years with Monkey and will every single bit of it. He was my first child, and I credit him to making me the loving mother I am today.
I wasn't there when he was born, but I found him in a pet store. He was taken from his mom way too soon, and couldn't eat the kibble they had in his cage. His eyes were glued shut with gunk, and he looked just pitiful. I was only 13, but I knew he was destined to be mine. I went home and gathered all my change, and walked back to the pet store. With $10 in random bills and lots of change, I walked home with a kitten in my arms. Boy was my mom upset with me when she came home to find him. After begging to keep him, and her agreeing to let me, she asked if we could at least return him for a better looking one. Yes, he had alot of gunk in his eyes and nose, his mouth didn't close all the way, and he couldn't meow, but he was mine. I bottle fed him until he was old enough to eat real kitten food, and he slept across my neck to keep warm.
So many years later, I look back on all the great times we had together, and all of his funny cat moments, and I know I couldn't have had a better companion all these years. He was my confidant who would never spill my secrets, and who was the first to let me know everything would be okay. He loved all of my kids, and never scratched or growled at 1 of them, despite the fur and tail pulling that went on.
Monkey, there will never be another you. Thank you for loving me unconditionally, and for being not just my pet but my baby. Thank you for loving my children the same way you loved me. Thank you for staying as long as you did, and letting me say good bye. I'll always feel like a piece of my heart is missing, and it hurts so bad not to see you laying around the house where you please. Even though physically your not here, I'll always carry you with me and love you forever. Lovey, Boony, Moopy, Mooshy.... Monkey.
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