My daughter, who I lovingly call Bunny (short for honey bunny) just turned 3 and had her first dance recital... all in the same weekend! She performed 2 days in a row, a Saturday and Sunday, and turned 3 that Monday. We didn't have her a party this year, because of economic reasons :( But it's okay because we had fun anyway.

Saturday's performance was in the night, and I sat in the back and waited, while she performed (we had tickets to Sunday's performance). I heard our family screaming her name through the intercom in the back, and when she was done she came running out to me with a huge smile. Everyone said she did so well. On Sunday, we had a hard time finding parking, but once we were settled in our seats I got nervous. I recorded her dance, even though we weren't supposed to (but I didn't know that when I was recording). She did amazing for the youngest one in the group, and I'm so glad she got to perform with her cousin, and friend.

Here's my Bunny in the middle of the group with their teacher Ms. Chantel. Yes, she's a shorty :)

Here they are dancing, again she's the short one in the middle.

Not wanting to leave, she loves dancing.
On Monday for her birthday, we had a few errands to run in the morning. After that we went to my in laws house so the kids can play with their cousins, watch Percy Jackson, and we ate pizza. I don't know where she got the idea, but she ended up in a pillowcase jumping around the house, lol. The kids had a blast! When we got home, I baked Bunny a little cake while the kids played outside. We bought her a giant dollhouse, which is almost as big as she is.

And my mom gave her money, so we bought her a tricycle with that.

I'm not a cake decorator, but it was a yummy cake!

Happy Birthday Bunny, and were so proud of you for dancing so well!!